Become a Care Partner

When your child is in the hospital, they want you by their side as often as possible. We want that, too. When your child is admitted to UVA Health Children’s, we’ll help set you up as their Care Partner.

What’s a Care Partner?

Every patient in the hospital can have 2 care partners. These people have special privileges that help them care for that patient. As a care partner, you can:

  • Get updates about your child in person or over the phone
  • Participate in discussions with your child’s medical team
  • Manage your child’s day-to-day care

What Else Does a Care Partner Do?

You’ll learn how to participate in your child’s medical care. From changing bandages to administering medicine, we’ll help you feel confident taking care of your child’s medical needs before discharge.

No matter when you visit your child, you can request to talk to their medical team. We know care partners can’t always be with their child 24/7. But whenever you’re ready, whether it’s at noon or midnight, we’re here to share details about your child’s progress.

When you become a care partner, you’ll be given a green wristband that lets staff know your special status. You’ll also get a security code you’ll use to get updates by phone. We ask that you not share these.

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Pediatric Emergency Response Team

You know your child best. If you’re concerned about their condition, so are we. If you need a concern addressed, call the pediatric emergency response team and a specialty team will respond. You can use your room phone and dial 4. 2222. Or call the full number from your personal phone.

Call 434.984.2222

What If My Child Is Over 18?

When your child is an adult, you can still be their care partner. But you can’t make medical decisions for them as a care partner once they’re over 18. For that, you’ll need power of attorney.

Find out more about how to help your child with medical decisions:

To make healthcare decisions for a patient, they must designate you with an advance directive form.

To get access to a patient's medical records, they must grant access with a proxy access authorization form.

Do Care Partners Need to be Parents?

No, but legal guardians are usually the first choice. In some instances, a distant family member, stepparent, foster parent, or childcare provider may make more sense. We’ll talk with you so that you can make the best choice for your family.

Can We Change Care Partners?

Yes. Sometimes, especially for long hospital stays, one care partner may not be able to spend as much time at the hospital. This can put too much stress on the remaining care partner. We would encourage you to select a second care partner, with the comfort of knowing you can change it back.

Can Care Partners Skip Getting a Visitor’s Badge?

No. Care partners still need to check in at one of our information desks and get a visitor’s badge. We appreciate your help in keeping our hospital a secure and safe place for all children.

What Resources Are Available for Care Partners?

Care partners can make a huge difference in a child’s emotional well-being, which improves outcomes. We want to help you be the best care partner possible. Here are some resources that may help