holding a child's hand in a hospital hallway

Hand Hygiene Compliance

One of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of germs is hand hygiene. Hand hygiene includes both handwashing and hand sanitization. 

Why Is Hand Hygiene Important? 

A lot of infectious diseases spread through contact. Medical care providers who come into contact with multiple patients can help prevent disease spread by washing their hands. We make sure all of our staff members are trained in the importance and best methods for hand hygiene. 

graph showing how UVA Health handles hand hygiene
A higher number is better.

How Is Hand Hygiene Measured? 

Compliance is a percentage. It represents the healthcare providers and support staff who have been observed using soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

This is measured across all inpatient units. 

Year Hand Hygiene Compliance Goal
2019 86.0% 90%
2020 91.0% 90%
2021 91.0% 90%
2022 86.0% 90%
2023 88.0% 90%

You Can Help

Family members and patients are free to ask to see staff wash their hands before caring for your loved one. You can also use our handwashing stations and sanitizer to keep your own hands clean. We can all help limit the spread of infection.