Transfer a Patient

Transfer a Patient

To transfer a pediatric patient to UVA Children’s Hospital or NICU, call 1.844.XFER.UVA (933.7882).

The Call Process - For Non-Emergency Transfers

  • You'll speak with experienced medics specially trained to triage requests.
  • You'll be asked questions about your transfer request. Specify if you're calling for potential transfer to the NICU or UVA Children’s Hospital.
  • You'll be placed on hold briefly while the UVA attending physician or fellow joins the line. 
  • After you speak with the physician, the transfer center facilitator will remain on the line to collect more details about the transfer.
  • A unit assistant or nurse may complete the call to allow you to return to care for your patient.
  • The Newborn Emergency Transport Service (NETS) or the Pediatric Critical Care Transport Service will promptly dispatch if necessary.

Our process helps us facilitate bed assignments and information-sharing for NICU transfers. Contact the NICU directly for non-transfer consultations and emergencies, such as newborn CPR - call 434.924.2335.

NETS Presence at Deliveries

NETS is only dispatched for a delivery if the fetus is less than 30 weeks or has known abnormalities that require immediate care, like:

  • A C-section
  • Rapid progression of dilation

This helps limit long waiting periods and dispatch delays for other emergencies.

Information Needed for a Transfer

Expedite the transfer. Have this info ready when you call:

  • Patient demographics
  • Diagnosis
  • Medical service(s) requested
  • Vital signs and pertinent labs
  • Contact information for the current attending physician
  • Current location of the patient

In addition, we would appreciate that you provide with the patient:

  • Demographic sheet
  • Discharge summary, including all lab results
  • All operative/procedure notes
  • An electronic upload of all radiographic images relevant to the transfer, including echocardiograms, CTs, ultrasounds, X-rays, etc.